Natural gas storage method performed by "Underground Natural Gas Storage", which is a huge space under the ground commonly known as "salt domes" of the domes is happening under the soil of the reservoir sources of natural gas has been depleted. This is very appropriate for the country 4 seasons. In the summer when gas usage for heating significantly reduced (low demand), natural gas is injected through the gas compressors in the soil into the dome. In the winter, where there are very significant needs, natural gas stored in underground vaults issued to be distributed to consumers in need. For a company (service) provider of natural gas, it is helpful to maintain the operational stability of the natural gas supply through natural gas pipelines.
Basically, natural gas transportation system include:
* Transportation by pipe lines.
* Transportation in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with LNG tankers to transport over long distances.
* Transportation in the form of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), both didaratan by road tanker or a CNG tanker at sea, for the near and medium distances (between islands).
In Indonesia, Oil and Gas Downstream Regulatory Body (BPH Migas Downstream) has prepared a Master Plan "Parent Network System Integrated National Gas Transmission". In a time not long before the system of natural gas pipeline will run from Nang continued roe connect Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra, Central Sumatra, South Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi and Kalimantan. We have a gas pipeline in Indonesia owned by Pertamina and PGN, and still is localized separately in certain areas, such as in North Sumatra, Central Sumatra, South Sumatra, West Java, East Java and East Kalimantan.
LNG carriers can be used to mentransportasi liquefied natural gas (liquefied natural gas, LNG) across oceans, while tank trucks can carry liquefied natural Gasa or compressed natural gas (compressed natural gas, CNG) at close range. They can mentransportasi natural gas directly to end-users or to distribution points, such as pipelines for further transportation. This is still a large cost for additional facilities for gas liquefaction or compression at the point of production, and penggasan or decompression at the point of end-users or to the pipeline.
Natural Gas Utilization
Outlines the use of natural gas are divided into 3 groups:
* Natural gas as a fuel, such as fuel Gas Power Plant / steam, industrial fuel light, medium and heavy motor vehicle fuel (CNG / NGV), a town gas for household needs of hotels, restaurants and so on .
* Natural gas as raw materials, including raw materials fertilizer plants, petrochemicals, methanol, plastics raw materials (LDPE = low-density polyethylene, LLDPE = linear low density polyethylene, HDPE = high density Polyethylen, PE = poly ethylene, PVC = poly vinyl chloride, C3 and C4 him for LPG, its CO2 for soft drinks, dry ice food preservatives, artificial rain, industrial cast iron, welding and light a fire extinguisher material.
* Natural gas as an energy commodity for export, the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG.
Latest technologies can also use natural gas for the air conditioner (AC = air conditioning), as used in the Bangkok airport, Thailand and several college buildings in Australia.
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