CMYK (stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, yellow, and the main colors (black-black) [1], and is often used as a reference as a coloring process using four colors) is part of the coloring model is often used in color printing. But he also used to explain the coloring process itself. Although different from each place of printing, newspaper service, factory and other newspaper-related parties, ink for this process generally, arranged in the order of these abbreviations. [2]
This model, either in part or whole, are usually imposed in the picture with white background color (this color is selected, because he can absorb a certain length of the light structure). Such a model is often known as the "subtractive", because the colors to reduce color of white light.
In another model of "color additive", as well as RGB (Red-Red, Green, Green, Blue-Blue), white color to the color combination of additional primary colors, while the black color may occur without any light. In the CMYK model, the opposite applies: the white color becomes natural color of the paper or a background color, whereas black is the color combination of primary colors. To save money to buy the ink, and color to produce a darker black, was made a special black color replaces the combination of cyan, magenta and yellow
Sabtu, 26 September 2009
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