Located in the capital of Vietnam BPPT Office of Research and Technology with the support of several works show innovative technologies in the ASEAN +3 Techmart event which took place from 17 till date September 20, 2009 in Vietnam Exhibition - Trade Fair Center. Exhibition products about technology followed by 600 local participants in addition to 50 more participants from other countries among the ASEAN countries plus + + 3 countries: China, Japan and Korea.
Stand Indonesia is located in block ASEAN countries and the Universities of Technology in Vietnam.
The exhibition was organized by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Vietnam as the main organizer in cooperation with the Committee on Science & Technology of ASEAN-COST: Committee on Science and Technology and the display of superior technology products in 4 areas: Energy, Food Process, ICT - Information & Communication Technology, and Management Natural Disasters.
Participants from Indonesia represented by 3 (three) institutions: BPPT, Research and Technology and On-line Game Archipelago, one of the products in the form of application "MMORPG": Massively multiplayer online role-playing game one of the first works made by children of the nation. BPPT showing 3 of 101 works of Innovation 2009 is among Indonesia's excellent work to promote the field of ICT applications.
What really becomes its own surprise for the participants of a surprise visit Indonesia is free from grammar protocol Vietnam Menrsitek figure after the exhibition opening night for the presentation and then given a presentation on display ICT applications and a bit of program development "IGOS: Indonesia Goes Open Sources" which was considered attractive and valued the progress that has been achieved. IGOS any application could steal the show itself as an official Ministry of Research and Technology held serve as the primary application for the document if the conference office in the event of ASEAN Science & Technology held in Auditorium BPPT in Jakarta 3 years ago.
While the application "Perisalah" and "Lisan" was enough to get very interested when the television station VTV National TV channels --- --- Vietnam implement coverage of Indonesia stands. "Perisalah" Identification System for Speech is Indonesian for Treatise Solutions / Automatic Meeting Minutes, while the "Oral" is a verbal Identification System Talk Indonesian for Computers and Writing Commands Documents in Linux OS developed Researchers from Deputy TIEM - BPPT.
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