Incineration is a waste treatment technology involving combustion of organic materials. Waste incineration and other high temperature is defined as thermal processing. Incineration of waste materials convert the waste into ash, the rest of the combustion gases, particulates, and heat. The resulting gas must be cleaned of pollutants before it is released into the atmosphere. Heat generated can be utilized as an energy power plants.
Incineration with energy recovery is one technology waste-to-energy (waste-to-energy, WTE). Other WTE technology is gasification, pyrolysis, and anaerobic fermentation. Incineration can also be done without energy recovery. Incinerator which was built a few decades ago did not have the facilities and the separation of hazardous materials recycling facility. These incinerators can cause health hazards to workers and the environment surrounding incinerators because of the high dangerous gases from the combustion process. Most incinerators of this type do not produce electrical energy.
Incinerators reduce the volume of waste up to 95-96%, depending on the composition and degree of waste recovery. This means that incineration does not completely replace the use of land as a disposal area, but incineration reduces the volume of waste disposed of in a significant amount.
Incineration has many benefits for treating various types of waste such as medical waste and some types of hazardous waste in which pathogens and chemical toxins can be destroyed by high temperatures.
Incineration is popular in some countries such as Japan where land is a source of very scarce resources. Danish and Swedish has been a pioneer in using the heat from incineration to produce energy. IN the year 2005, waste incineration produced 4.8% of electrical energy and heat that 13.7% consumed the country. Several other countries in Europe that rely on incineration as a waste processing is Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany, and France.
Type Incinerator
Incinerator is a place for burning rubbish. Modern incinerator pollution mitigation facilities such as gas cleaning. There are several types of incinerators: the disk moves, the disc does not move, rotary kiln and fluidised bed
[edit] The disk moves
One type of incineration is the dish to move (moving grate). Incinerators of this type enables the transfer of waste into the combustion chamber and move the rest of the results without turning off the fire burning. One container can burn the disc to move 35 metric tons of waste per hour. This type of incinerator can move thousands of hours annually with only one stop, namely at the time of inspection and maintenance.
Trash is introduced into the "mouth" incinerator, and at the other end of the hole in the burning of the remaining issued. The air used in combustion process is supplied through the disc. This air flow also intended to cool the disc. Several types of incinerators has disc moves cooling water system in it.
Secondary combustion air supply is done by pumping air into the top of the dish. If done at high speed, this could trigger the occurrence of turbulence which ensures a better combustion and a surplus of oxygen. Turbulence is also important for the rest of the processing gas incinerator.
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