Nature provides many lessons about magic and high-level technology. Something that maybe we take for granted because we've come across. But for the people who think more, the phenomena in nature to trigger curiosity and invites admiration for the masterpiece perfect creation. "Miracles" in nature provides the inspiration for the scientists and technocrats to explore design ideas and superior engineering.
There are areas of engineering and technology studies who took the pilot to kehidupa environment, commonly referred to as the science Biomimetik. Mimetic word means to imitate (to imitate), thereby imitating the word Biomimetik means (systems) biology. From Biomimetik and bio-engineering, researchers and technologists trying to imitate biological objects (mimicking biology) to create smart objects (smart) and the active function. Biomimetik is one alternative source of new innovations to the engineering and technology, especially the practical.
Actually this is not something new, versatile scientist Leonardo da Vinci had sketched a design for the wings to fly humans. Is the result of his examination of the wing motion of birds.
Scientists in various parts of the world have started to adopt and try to understand the nature designs to be applied in the field of engineering. Of course this is a complex and complicated. Even simple things terihat if examined more deeply, the natural phenomenon is the result of technology that has a high level of complexity behind the simplicity of her appearance.
Flies, flying insects which have a mini complex wing movements 150 times per second and can perform 90-degree turn maneuver dala less than 50 milliseconds, more maneuverability than the nimble fighter-reconnaissance F-117 Stealth
The fireflies are able to produce "cold light" via a chemical process is very efficient, with heat dissipation is almost 0% (compared with the light bulb that produces 98% heat).
Cobweb that looks fragile, has the ability to withstand a greater load than its own weight, strength yarn spider webs in addition supported by a strong protein type is also a result of the "mill" seven kinds of fibers with a tenacious konfiguarsi by a spider .
Abalone shell type design has a strong character as strong as Kevlar material (synthetic material used as a bulletproof material and heat resistance), although composed of calcium compounds that are simple, but impressive structural design with layered configuration with nanometer size provides a formidable character.
Gecko foot attachment mechanism has a remarkable adhesive that makes these animals are able to move against the direction of gravity force.
Composition of shark skin structures proved to have a very high aerodynamic, able to pass the water flow through micro channels contained within the skin, thereby reducing the water drag while swimming. This skin composition inspired creation of Fatskin Speedo swimsuit.
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