Mifta or full Muslim Information Technology Association is a forum of Muslim activists who Kierkegaard in the field of Information Technology both from academics, practitioners and beginners. Mifta normatively intended as a unifier of the potential capabilities in the field of Information Technology, spread among Muslims that can be used for general community development in all fields.
* 1 History
* 2 Goals
* 3 Organization
* 4 Activities and Events
* 5 External links
Mifta founded in Depok, West Java, on May 18, 2000 by some activists in the field of IT Abiyoto Wardhana Kun, Rusmanto, Arief Wiryanto, Teguh S, Sharif Hidayatullah, Jaja Triharja, Bayu Waspodo, Hafuan, Prihantoosa, Eko Budhi S. Currently Mifta members in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, Makasar, Manado, Singapore, and Malaysia.
[edit] Objectives
Mifta aims to form professional associations is the best and advanced in the field of information technology and always uphold the noble values are based rofesi Islamic Shari'a, and to participate in:
1. Increasing the degree of knowledge of Indonesian society Information Technology
2. Research and development of the science of Information Technology.
3. Increased prosperity of the members in particular and society in general by not forgetting his position as a community development agency
Mifta organization consists of
1. National Congress (MUNAS), is the highest forum of the organization. Held every year, either physically or virtually. In this forum will be held leadership turnover.
2. Expert Council and the Sharia, the interest of the National Council, may appoint experts and Sharia Council, whose members can be from members of the Association or non-members to be appointed outside members and Islamic scholar biasa.Dewan not have a voice, but can give suggestions, opinions to the Board to support progress of both the Association requested or not.
3. Profession and Association Council, Professional Council and the Association are elected members of the Association of National Congress to conduct oversight functions over the implementation and management of the Association in performing its duties and the Association of Professional Board is responsible to the National Conference.
4. Daily Board, the Board consists of the daily minimum of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and several head of the field. In conducting its activities, the Board is assisted by the Daily Technical Implementation Unit or UPT.
Activities and Events
* Islamic Book Publishing Virtual
* Organization of seminars and workshops of information technology
* Raising funds to support Islamic schools utuk
* Development of software Pesantrean Management Information System and School, poured in Codecamp IGOS program.
* Internida for Making sites empower the Ummah through Internida Information Technology.
* Intelligence community in the field of IT by making Mifta University who is a program of S2 (Postgraduate Studies) Non Degree in IT online at a cost below the high school fees (very affordable) MIFTA University