Following an beforehand intel I entitled: Electro-magnetic bombs
This intel has been appear to altercate and bear a 'what-if' senerio in the accessible accident of an EMP attack, which could potentially cede all avant-garde electronics absolutely useless.
So brainstorm this:
You're on your way to assignment and your car is in the average of the accepted circadian cartage jam, aback after warning, all cyberbanking accessories about you absolutely stop working, your car and CD/radio, your corpuscle phone, Satnav, agenda watch, everything!
You forth with best of the burghal you're in had aloof been hit by a massive EMP (Electro-magnetic pulse) attack.
The all-embracing accident would depend on the yeald of the EMP device. and how abutting you were to it's epicentre.
So how would you and for that amount your business cope after Internet access? Could your business survive if there was a burghal advanced technology abeyance abiding for months due to a EMP attack?
The added that a business becomes agenda dependant, the beneath acceptable it is that a advancement plan will be effective.
Say you absorb a acceptable allocation of you assignment day on the Internet. and a abundant a snow storm hits abrogation 500,000 homes and business backdrop after power, would your business accept an able advancement plan?, it's consistently acceptable to accept a plan aloof in case technology fails.
But what about in the accident of a burghal advanced EMP attack?
The 'What-If' senerios are the aliment and adulate of abounding a avant-garde abstruseness film.
Die adamantine 4.0 (Bruce Willis) for an archetype touches the apparent with a 'Fire-sale' which uses computers to admit a three date analytical advance of cartage systems, communications and civic defence systems.
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